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 5 ways to make money from playing games

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Messages : 5
Date d'inscription : 06/03/2023

5 ways to make money from playing games Empty
MessageSujet: 5 ways to make money from playing games   5 ways to make money from playing games EmptyLun 6 Mar 2023 - 10:07

1. Get Paid to Live Stream
Anyone can stream their gameplay in real-time for the world to see. Aim to build a large audience (which you can monetize with ads) or a loyal audience (to monetize with donations and subscriptions). The biggest platform for streaming is Twitch, but YouTube is also an option.
2. Win Gaming Tournaments and Acquire Sponsorships
Tournaments are commonplace for PvP titles, like fighting games. Of course, the more popular the game, the larger the prize pools become. If you're skilled enough to join an esports organization, you may be able to earn a livable salary through winnings and sponsorships. Most competitive gamers also take advantage of live streams (#1) for additional income.
3. Get Paid to Test Games
Games go through various phases of development before they're released. Near the time of completion, developers need outsiders to playtest their games with fresh eyes. As a playtester, your job is to check over everything the developer wants you to look at, which includes finding and documenting bugs and other issues.
4. Sell Accounts or Digital Items
If you've spent enough time in some games, you might be able to "flip" your account or in-game items to other players. As one example, you can resell some Steam Trading Cards earned by playing games to players who want to collect them. While you won't make huge money from this, you might be able to earn enough to cover your next game purchase.
5. Play Gamefi to earn token
GameFi projects vary widely based on how they function. As a result, there are different mechanisms through which players can earn rewards and generate income. Some blockchain games reward players with tokens for completing in-game tasks, while other games generate revenue from the assets players own. Below, we have the Top 3 best GameFi platforms that you can play and earn money:
STEPN gamefi stepn .com is a Blockchain game of the Move-to-Earn (moving to earn) genre. When participating in this game, users only need to move to earn money. However, to do this, participants will need to equip a pair of specialized NFT Sneakers. Accordingly, when performing activities such as walking, jogging, ... users will receive the corresponding number of tokens in the game.
Fairy Cat:
Fairy Cat gamefi fairycat .net is a virtual pet blockchain game Play to earn. The Fairy Cat Blockchain Game offers players and investors a very unique opportunity to collect, trade, battle and earn rare assets that greatly increase their income. Fairy Cats and all other in-game items will be stored as NFTs with a 1:1 equivalent of USDT in the player's wallet and thus can be sold for profit and freely traded.
Crabada gamefi crabada .com is a Blockchain Play-to-Earn game launched in November 2021. Joining the game, users can rediscover the prosperous ancient Hermit-Crab Kingdom once ruled by Crustaco, king of Crabada and participate in exploration, mining, breeding, crafting... to expand force. Players will need to spend about 3,900 USD just to get started. Blockchain Game Crabada is an extremely profitable “game”, but its high barrier to entry makes it difficult for the average player to participate.
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